Sunday, September 12, 2010

Oh my! First blog post!

Well here it is, my first blog entry. Kinda scary. Haha just kidding. I finally gave in and started one because I'm hoping it will help me sort through all of the crazy things that have happened in the last few months, and maybe get some words of wisdom from any readers :) I guess I'll just start with what has been going on this summer.

The summer started off pretty great with a trip to California for my cousin Trina's wedding. She looked gorgeous and it was fun to get to spend a few days with her and her husband down in the sun. There was naturally a lot of drama but overall it was a fabulous ceremony. I was so proud! Unfortunately, I had to come home to finals and an unexpected break-up. My safe, funny, great, nice guy turned out to be not so nice. At least not for me. Oh well, you live and you learn. Finals went pretty well and thus began my very first summer away from home!

At the beginning of May I rented a house over by the school and by the end of the month I was living there full time. It was my first time being on my own and it was slightly scary! I remember the first night I spent there I didn't have any furniture or really much of anything there. I had gotten in a fight with my father and packed up my car and left! All I had that first night was my pillow, a couple of blankets, my tv, and my dog. Oh and my pocket knife! Thankfully, haha. So I laid my blankets out and watched a funny movie, but everytime I heard a noise outside I about had a heart attack. The first night was definitely intense! But every night after that I was a little more comfortable and ended up LOVING living on my own! I'll have to post pictures of my little house.

A few weeks later I was looking online and decided that my dog needed company for when I had to leave her home alone for school. I found the perfect puppy BUT...she was like 6 hours away.

<---- After seeing this picture though I knew she was worth the drive. So my roommate and I planned a roadtrip and drove all through northern/central Oregon and picked up my perfect puppy. It's definitely been quite a ride with her! She has a lot of strange little quirks. She's never chewed up a pair of shoes and only one electrical cord. However, she does enjoy chewing on my pomeranian Boo ;) The first week of getting to know her was soo much fun! She was such an erratic sleeper that she could literally fall off the couch while napping and wouldn't even notice. Or she would be sleeping like a log and would suddenly get up and move ten feet away and just fall down and continue sleeping! And no matter what she always felt the need to dump out her water bowl. That one was slightly annoying. She just loves water in any shape or form. When we'd take them for a walk we'd go through the college lawn so she could play in the sprinkler. And she would chase the water from the hose whenever we'd water the lawn. Puppies are great! :) After coming home from camping in July she loved water even more. We had to start making sure the toilet lid was down because she would crawl up in the bowl to splash in the water!
My Lily is a big puppy now and she's turning out to be an amazing dog. I honestly couldn't be happier with her :)
My big happy news of the summer? My mommy is finally doing better. After weeks of hallucinations she is finally back to herself. She's better than she's been in years and it makes me super happy.
Whoa I'm tired and that was only half the things I wanted to say! So I guess I'll stop for the night and finish up in the morning. Good night! :)

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